Vision Statement 

Eastern Liangmai Baptist Association envisions a day when all the unreached neighbouring countries of India would embrace Christ as their only hope and Savior. To this end, ELBA would strife to unite all the Liangmai churches of Manipur, Nagaland and Assam as one Convention and work together for global mission

Mission Statement 

The primary mission of Eastern Liangmai Baptist Association shall be to take part in the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ in coordination with the constituent churches. To this end, this association will not only work to strengthen the member churches, but coordinate them for mutual fellowship, cooperation and partnership and endeavour to plant new churches.



The Objectives of the Eastern Liangmai Baptist Association are:

1. To defend the truth and fulfil the Great Commission of the Lord through sending out more missionaries to the unreached parts of the world

2. To support both local and foreign missions in partnership with other likeminded organisations

3. To assist the member Churches of ELBA in becoming missional as they are strengthened and revitalized

4. To restore necessary Baptist administrative structural systems and dogmas (such as autonomy of the local churches, separation of church and states and pastor empowerment) in the churches

5. To help holistically develop all the member Churches; that is, physically, spiritually, socially and in wisdom (in education, economy, social justice, etc.)

6. To initiate for greater unity with other Liangmai Baptist organisations under one umbrella

as Liangmai Baptist Convention.

To read our statement of faith Click here

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