
The focus of this department will be to work alongside with the local churches through mission partnerships. It shall help the church make effective mission strategies, appoint missionaries, and seek out relevant mission fields, plant churches, locally & globally.


 This department will be responsible for making all budgets related to the organisation, raise funds, disburse funds, etc.



This department exists to reinforce Christian women holistic development. It shall organize women related programs, including seminar, classes, that will foster Christian growth.



This department exists to reinforce Christian youth holistic development. It shall organize youth related programs, including seminar, classes, that will foster Christian growth.



Men department shall function exclusively for married men of the association. Its primary goal is to help men spiritually grow, instruct and help develop their God-given authority of family leadership.


Education and Child Development

It shall function to help uplift, particularly, Eastern Liangmai students both in secular and theological fields. It shall also be responsible for any matter related to literature. It shall organize education related programs such as Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Bible Camp, Vocational Orientation, etc.


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